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4 Steps to See a Powerful Move of God

A few not-so-radical practices that will produce radical results.

In pursuing a transformative movement for Jesus, we must adopt approaches that reflect a deep dependence on God, boldness in our actions, invitation into relationship, and a commitment to following through. These principles, although not terribly radical in themselves, will lead to significant change if we radically devote ourselves to them. Without these steps we are unlikely to see the move of God and spread of the Gospel that our hearts desire to see.

Radical Prayer: Depending Deeply on God

The foundation of any significant movement for Jesus is prayer. We often say this, but do we live it? This isn’t about casual prayer; we need radical prayer. The kind of prayer that shows that without God, nothing happens. Radical prayer means we are wholly and utterly dependent on God for the outcomes we desire to see. We must recognize that a movement of God is a miraculous thing! Transformed hearts and lives cannot be achieved through our efforts. Only God can give the spiritually blind sight.  Only God can give the spiritually dead life.  Only God can see this multiply from person to person to person throughout our cities.

First and foremost, our role is to consistently and fervently bring the work we desire to see before Him in prayer. Radical prayer involves persistence, earnestness, and a willingness to spend considerable time in God's presence. We need to pour out our hearts before God with a willingness to do what he says. This kind of prayer moves beyond simple requests. In radical prayer, we acknowledge our limitations and God's infinite power, placing our trust entirely in His ability to do what needs to be done.

Radical Boldness: Taking Sacrificial Steps

Radical prayer doesn’t leave us without action.  The Bible shows countless examples of individuals who exhibited radical boldness in pursuing God's work. Moses confronted Pharaoh. Peter stepped out of the boat to walk on water. Paul shared from city to city. Boldness is a recurring theme in the narrative of God's people. As everyday disciple-makers, we are called to engage boldly to reach those around us.

Radical boldness means stepping out of our comfort zones to share what we have received: Jesus. It requires us to be proactive rather than reactive, looking for ways to engage with others rather than waiting for convenient moments. This might involve striking up conversations with strangers, sharing our testimony in unexpected places, or even making significant personal sacrifices as God calls us.  Is He worth it?  Is His good news worth sharing, or should we keep it to ourselves?

Boldness also means courage without knowing the outcome. It does not guarantee immediate success. All of the heroes throughout the Bible received hardship amid their faithfulness. When we act with radical boldness, we demonstrate a deep trust in God's plan and His ability to use us as instruments of His will. 

Radical Invitation: Inviting into Relationship

From the radical boldness, we look for those who show openness or curiosity.  This can be expressed in many ways.  People often start crying, asking inquisitive questions, or sharing part of their story.  It’s amazing how many people are carrying loads that are too much for them to bear alone.  Simple steps of boldness often give people a chance to open-up. From this boldness, we offer a radical invitation. That invitation is often, “Do you want to get together and explore more of who God is?”

A caveat: Please do not invite people to attend church with you. People do not need an invitation to a production. Invite them to meet with you. Trust us, people will thank you for this. It's about creating opportunities where individuals can seek out God, share their story, and experience Jesus in relational and meaningful ways.

Many people invite others to church because they do not know how to walk with someone directly. Inviting them to church is our easy way to hand someone off to a system that we hope will make an impact.  There is a much better alternative, but we understand that walking alongside others can be intimidating, especially if you’ve never done it before.  Though daunting, it will be deeply impactful if you are willing to take this step.  If you want to learn more, please contact us.  We would love to give more insight and training.  This can begin your journey of learning how to make a disciple! 

Radical Follow-Up: Ensuring Lasting Impact

The final step of seeing a powerful movement for Jesus is radical follow-up. This involves going the extra mile to ensure that the seeds we plant are nurtured and that the commitments we make are honored. In the Bible, Jesus emphasized the importance of letting our "yes" be "yes" and our "no" be "no" (Matthew 5:37). This principle also applies to our interactions and promises as disciple-makers.

Radical follow-up means diligently and consistently supporting those we have invited into a relationship with God. It requires us to be intentional about checking-in, offering encouragement, and providing resources to help individuals grow in their faith. This might involve regular meetings, ongoing mentorship, or simply being available to answer questions and provide help.

When done well, a person will need us less as they learn to follow God without as much guidance. This takes place over time, but our willingness to serve initially will be very important.


Seeing a powerful movement for Jesus requires a radical approach characterized by deep dependence on God through prayer, bold and intentional actions, genuine invitations into relationship, and consistent follow-up. These steps—radical prayer, radical boldness, radical invitation, and radical follow-up—provide a framework for fostering the simple-yet-powerful movement of God we hope to see transform our cities.

These steps will naturally raise more practical questions for those who have not yet lived this way. We would love to help you walk this out in everyday life. Please do not hesitate to get connected.

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